Know Who or What Owes You
The best way to handle a judgement against an out of business debtor is to avoid it in the first place. Before you sue your debtor, you should gather all the information you can and be aware of the fact that if you are trying to collect against a business in California, that business may have assets and an identity distinct from the people who manage or own it. It also may have another identity that is different than the name you know the company by, and might have an identity different from the one that issues your paychecks. For example, ABC, INC. might issue your checks and might be on the company signs, but XYZ, Inc. might be the corporation that the company uses when it gets paid by its vendors or customers. Or, the owners of the corporation might personally take the company payments. These are facts you should investigate and figure out prior to suing! (These are things a good judgment collection attorney will look into)